Pied-billed Grebe, Podilymbus podiceps
c20 on the coastal marshes at Pisco.
- White-tufted Grebe,
Rollandia rolland
One on the coastal marshes at Pisco. Two on Lake Titicaca, near Puno. Common at Sillustani. One seen at Huacarpay Lake.
Peruvian Pelican, Pelecanus thagus
Common along the coast. Very approachable around the quay at Pisco.

Peruvian Booby, Sula variegata
Two large flocks seen along the coast between Lima and Pisco. Abundant in the Paracas area, with breeding colonies active on the Islas De Ballestas and cliffs on the Paracas Peninsula.

Sooty Shearwater, Puffinus griseus
Huge flocks noted along the coast between Lima and Pisco, probably numbering tens of thousands.
Neotropic Cormorant,
Phalacrocorax brasilianus
Abundant around Pisco. One on Huacarpay Lake.
- Red-legged Cormorant,
Phalacrocorax gaimardi
Small numbers around the Islas De Ballestas.
- Guanay Cormorant,
Phalacrocorax bougainvillii
Over a million on the Islas de Ballestas, although birds seemed to be fishing a distance away, as few were seen on the sea in the area.
- Humboldt Penguin,
Spehniscus humboldti
Six adults and 1 immature seen on the Islas De Ballestas.

- Snowy Egret,
Egretta thula
Common in wetlands in the lowlands and at the coast.
- Great Egret,
Ardea alba
Fairly common in wetlands in the lowlands and at the coast.
- Little Blue Heron,
Egretta caerulea
Three at the coastal marshes, Pisco. Five at Huacarpay Lake.
- Black-crowned Night Heron,
Nycticorax nycticorax
Commonly seen roosting in reeds at the Pisco marshes. Two seen near the Uros Islands, Lake Titicaca. Inhabitants of the islands kept this species captive, presumably for food.
- Green Heron,
Butorides striatus
Two at the Pisco marshes.
- Chilean Flamingo,
Phoenicopterus chilensis
Very common on the coast around the Paracas Peninsula and seen on several lakes in the Andes, on bus journeys.
- Andean Flamingo,
Phoenicopterus andinus
Thirty seen on an Andean lake at c3500m on the journey to Puno.
- Cattle Egret,
Bubuculus ibis
Very common in agricultural land.
- Puna Ibis,
Plegadis ridgwayi
Common around lakes in the Puna zone of the Andes, often in large flocks. Seen commonly around Puno, including Sillustani.
- Andean Ibis,
Theristicus branickii
Two seen near Juliaca.
- White-faced Ibis,
Plegadis chihi
Common in coastal marshes at Pisco.
- Andean Duck,
Oxyura ferruginea
Very common on Lake Titicaca. Thirty seen at Huacarpay Lake, many of which were displaying males.
- Andean Goose,
Chloephaga melanoptera
Common on wetlands in the highlands.
- Torrent Duck,
Merganetta armata
Three on the River Colca, near Cruz el Condor. Four including a duckling on the river at Aguas Calientes.
- Speckled Teal,
Anas flavisrostris
Several seen in wetlands on the way to the Colca Canyon. Many more seen in wetlands between Arequipa and Puno. Ten at Sillustani. Six at Huacarpay Lake.
- Crested Duck,
Anas specularioides
Two seen in a lake on the way to the Colca Canyon. Five with ten ducklings seen at the same lake on the way back from the Colca Canyon.
- Yellow-billed Pintail,
Anas georgica
Two on Lake Titicaca. Three at Sillustani. Two at Huacarpay Lake.
- Puna Teal,
Anas puna
Lots seen on wetlands between Arequipa and Puno. Ten at Sillustani. Common at Huacarpay Lake.
- Cinammon Teal,
Anas cyanoptera
c20 at Sillustani. Six at Huacarpay Lake.
- Cinerous Harrier,
Circus cinereus
One male seen near Puno. Another nearby at Sillustani.
- Plain-breasted Hawk,
Accipter ventralis
One in typical accipter-style, belted along the river near Camp 1 on the Inca Trail.
- Puna Hawk,
Buteo poecilochrous
Four seen between Arequipa and Puno. One at Sillustani. This species was until recently conspecific with Red-backed Hawk.
- Red-backed Hawk,
Buteo polyosoma
Three around Sillustani.
- Turkey Vulture,
Cathartes aura
Common, especially in the lowlands.
- Andean Condor,
Vultur gryphus
At Cruz el Condor (Colca Canyon), three adults, 1 near adult and 4 juveniles were seen, mostly at close range.

- Mountain Caracara,
Phalcoboenus megalopterus
Fairly common in most highland areas.
- Peregrine,
Falco peregrinus
One seen near Yangke in the Colca Canyon. One female seen on the Inca Trail on day 3.
- American Kestrel,
Falco sparverius
One in Lima. Commonly seen in most places.
- Andean Guan,
Penelope montagnii
Two seen on the Inca Trail just below camp 3, at dawn on day 4. One near Aguas Calientes.
- Plumbeous Rail,
Pardirallus sanguinolentus
One at the Pisco marshes, several seen at Huacarpay Lake, including an adult with a recently-hatched chick.
- Moorhen,
Gallinula chloropus
Seen from the Lima to Pisco bus. Abundant in the Pisco marshes.
- Giant Coot,
Fulica gigantea
Common at a small lake in the highlands between Arequipa and Puno.
- Andean Coot,
Fulica ardesiaca
Several in the Pisco marshes. Commonly seen in wetlands in the highlands. Abundant on Lake Titicaca.
- Grey (Black-bellied) Plover,
Pluvialis squatarola
Common along the coast.
- American Golden Plover,
Pluvialis dominica
One on the beach at Pisco.
- Semipalmated Plover,
Charadrius semipalmatus
Very common at the coast.
- Kentish (Snowy) Plover,
Charadrius alexandrinus
One at the Paracas Peninsula.
- Killdeer,
Charadrius vociferus
Seen from the bus south of Lima, with two on the Pisco marshes.
- Andean Lapwing,
Vanellus resplendens
Fairy common in the highlands, especially around wetlands and cultivated areas.
- Southern Lapwing,
Vanellus chilensis
One seen near Juliaca.
- Peruvian Thick-knee,
Burhinus superciliaris
Known locally as "Wera Kiki", from the birds' call, one was seen in headlights
in agricultural land near Pisco. Several more heard during the night.
- Blackish Oystercatcher,
Haematopus ater
Four seen on the Paracas Peninsula.
- American Oystercatcher,
Haematopus palliatus
Several around the Paracas Peninsula.
- Black-necked Stilt,
Himantopus mexicanus
Ten in the Pisco marshes.
- Greater Yellowlegs,
Tringa melanoleuca
Ten at Huacarpay Lake.
- Lesser Yellowlegs,
Tringa flavipes
Several around Pisco marshes. Two at Sillustani. Two at Huacarpay Lake.
- Spotted Sandpiper,
Actites macularia
Several around the Pisco marshes.
- Whimbrel,
Numenius phaeopus
Fairly common at the coast, around Paracas.
- Surfbird
Aphriza virgata
c200 at the Pisco quay.
- Ruddy Turnstone,
Arenaria interpres
Very common on beaches around the Paracas Peninsula, with c250 at Pisco.
- Baird's Sandpiper,
Calidris bairdii
c20 at Sillustani. Similar numbers seen at Huacarpay Lake. At both sites, the birds seemed to prefer feeding on mats of floating emergent vegetation in shallow water.
- Semipalmated Sandpiper,
Calidris pusilla
Several thousand on the Paracas coast.
- Western Sandpiper,
Calidris mauri
Very common on the Paracas coast.
- Least Sandpiper,
Calidris minutilla
Thirty around the Pisco marshes, and common around the coast.
- Red Knot,
Calidris canutusOne on the beach at Pisco quay. This species is not featured in the new field guide.
- Pectoral Sandpiper,
Calidris melanotos
Incredibly, one was seen on a marsh on the way to the Colca Canyon at c4,200m- is this a record? Two at Huacarpay Lake.
- Sanderling,
Calidris alba
Common on the coast around Pisco.
- Andean Snipe,
Gallinago jamesoni
Heard overhead during the night, at the final camp on the Inca Trail, at c3400m.
Wilson's Phalarope,
Phalaropus tricolor
Common on the sea just offshore at Pisco.
- Red-necked Phalarope,
Phalaropus lobatus
Three seen on the sea around the Islas De Ballestas.
- Chilean Skua,
Stercorarius chilensis
One, big ginger juvenile, heading south past the Islas De Ballestas.
- Grey Gull,
Larus modestus
Abundant around the Paracas Peninsula.
- Kelp Gull,
Larus dominicanus
Several seen around Pisco and the Paracas Peninsula.
- Andean Gull,
Larus serranus
Common around wetlands in the highlands. Abundant at Lake Titicaca.

- Grey-headed Gull,
Larus cirrocephalus
Common at the coast
- Band-tailed Gull,
Larus belcheri
Common at the coast, and apparently nesting on the Islas De Ballestas.
- Inca Tern,
Laroterna inca
Over 250 around the Islas De Ballestas. Absolutely stonking birds, one of the highlights of Peru.
- Least Tern,
Sterna antillarum
At least three seen around Paracas Peninsula.
- Elegant Tern,
Sterna elegans
Eight seen at Pisco.
- Eared Dove,
Zenaida auriculata
Common, especially around Yangke.
- Pacific Dove,
Zenaida meloda
Common at most sites, even in Lima.
- Bare-faced Ground-dove,
Metriopelia ceciliae
Several around Huacarpay Lake.
- Black-winged Ground-dove,
Metripelia melanoptera
Abundant around Yangke and elsewhere around the Colca Canyon area.
- White-tipped Dove,
Leptotila verrauxi
Very common in the Puno-Sillustani area.
- Scarlet-fronted Parakeet,
Aratinga wagleri
c20 seen near Tambo Colorado.
- Mitred Parakeet,
Aratinga mitrata
c20 in flowering trees beside the river near Aguas Calientes.
- Band-winged Nightjar,
Caprimulgus longirostris
One catching moths around a light near thermal springs at Yangke.
- White-collared Swift,
Streptoprocne zonaris
Two of these huge swifts cruised low overhead at Cruz el Condor, Colca Canyon.
- Andean Swift,
Aeronautes andecolus
Common in the highlands.
- White-tipped Swift,
Aeronautes montivagus
c30 seen at Tambo Colorado. Lots around Machu Picchu.
- Green Hermit,
Phaethornis guy
One near Aguas Calientes.
- Green Violetear,
Colibri thalassinus
One was singing in the grounds of Santa Catalina monastery at Arequipa.
- Sparkling Violetear,
Colibri delphinae
Fairly common at Huacarpay Lake.
- Green-and-White Hummingbird,
Leucippus viridicauda
Two seen near Camp 2 on the Inca Trail. One at Aguas Calientes.
- White-bellied Hummingbird,
Leucippus chionogaster
One near Camp 1 on the Inca Trail. One at Machu Picchu.
- Giant Hummingbird,
Patagona gigas
Several seen around the Colca Canyon. Three at Huacarpay Lake.

- Andean Hillstar, Oreotrochilus estella
Two briefly-seen hummers seen at Cruz el Condor could have been this species, although this site may be a little low.
- Peruvian Sheartail,
Thaumastura cora
A cracking male was defending a flowering tree in the midst of the Santa Catlina monastery at Arequipa.
- Amazilia Hummingbird,
Amazilia amazilia
One seen singing from wires in the hotel grounds, Lima. One seen at the Pan American highway bus stop, just outside Pisco.
- White-tufted Sunbeam,
Aglaeactis castelnaudii
One or two seen on the climb up to Dead Woman's Pass on day 2 of the Inca Trail. A cracking little bird.
- Great Sapphirewing,
Pterophanes cyanopterus
Seen in small numbers along the Inca Trail. Absolutely stunning!
- Amethyst-throated Sunangel,
Heliangelus amethysticollis decolor
One just above Machu Picchu on day 4 of the Inca Trail.
- Coppery-naped Puffleg,
Eriocnemis sapphiropygia
One seen feeding from a flowering bush by the stone-built toilet block at the camp below Dead Woman's Pass, Inca Trail.
Two seen the next day.
- Green-tailed Trainbearer,
Lesbia nuna
Four seen around Huacarpay Lake. Several seen along the lower parts of the Inca Trail.

- Tyrian Metaltail,
Metallura tyrianthina
One male seen on the Inca Trail, day 3.
Scaled Metaltail,
Metallura aenocauda
One seen on day 2 of the Inca Trail.
- Bearded Mountaineer,
Oreonympha nobilis
One of the targets of the trip to Huacarpay Lake, we found two easily feeding in tobacco plants at the corner of the lake near the restaurant. A cracking hummer!
- Highland Motmot,
Momotus aequatorialis
An absolute cracker seen next to the Inca Trail near the Inti Punku on day 4.

- Andean Flicker,
Colaptes rupicola
Common in the highlands, often hanging out in small flocks (eg 3-5)
- Ocellated Piculet,
Picumnus dorbygnianus
Three together near Inti Punku on day 4 of the Inca Trail. One near Aguas Calientes.
- Coastal Miner,
Geositta peruviana
Two in coastal desert on the seaward side of the Paracas Museum,
where regular visitors stop to be shown flamingos and the exhibits.
- Common Miner,
Geositta cunicularia deserticola
Common. Seen at Tambo Colorado, in the highlands near Colca Canyon,
- White-winged Cinclodes,
Cinclodes atacamensis
An individual thought to be of this species, was flushed from a stream in the highlands near Juliaca.
- Bar-winged Cinclodes,
Cinclodes fuscus
One at Puno and another at Huacarpay Lake. Several along the Inca Trail.
- Peruvian Seaside Cinclodes,
Cinclodes cinclodes
One cracker seen on a secluded beach on the Paracas Peninsula, near the "La Catedral" cliffs.
- Azara's Spinetail,
Synallaxis azarae
Common in cloud forest above Machu Picchu on day 4 of the Inca Trail.
- Creamy-crested Spinetail,
Cranioleuca albicapilla
This cracking endemic responded vigourously to "pishing" with a pair showing well just above the second camp of the Inca Trail.

- Rusty-fronted Canastero,
Asthenes ottonis
At least three seen around Huacarpay Lake.
- Wedge-billed Woodcreeper,
Glyphorynchus spirurus
Several in cloud forest above Machu Picchu on day 4 of the Inca Trail.
- Pearled Treerunner,
Margarornis squamiger
Lots in cloud forest above Machu Picchu on day 4 of the Inca Trail.
- Streaked Tutftedcheek,
Pseudocolaptes boissonneautii
Two seen in cloud forest above Machu Picchu, on day 4 of the Inca Trail.
- Streaked Xenops,
Xenops rutilans
One near Aguas Calientes.
- Variable Antshrike,
Thamnophilus caerulescens
One male seen in cloud forest above Machu Picchu, on day 4 of the Inca Trail.
- Rufous-breasted Antthrush,
Formicarius rufipectus
One skulking and singing alongside the trail in cloud forest above Machu Picchu, on day 4 of the Inca Trail.
- Red-crested Cotinga,
Ampelion rubrocristata
One showed well, perched in bare branches in cloud forest above Machu Picchu.
- Barred Fruiteater,
Pipreola arcuata
One seen in cloud forest above Machu Picchu, on day 4 of the Inca Trail.
- Streak-necked Flycatcher,
Mionectes striaticollis
Several near Aguas Calientes.
- Torrent Tyrannulet,
Serpophaga cinerea
Several along the Inca Trail in various streams and rivers.
- White-tailed Tyrannulet,
Mecocerculus poecilocercus
One near Inti Punku on the Inca Trail, day 4.
- White-crested Elaenia,
Elaenia albiceps
One seen near Aguas Calientes.
- Vermilion Flycatcher,
Pyrocephalus rubinus
One melanistic male seen in Lima. Red individuals conspicuously common elsewhere.
- Tufted Tit-tyrant,
Anairetes parulus
One seen with Creamy-crested Spinetails on the second day of the Inca Trail.
- Pied-crested Tit-tyrant,
Anairetes reguloides
Two seen near an Inca burial site, just east of Tambo Colorado.
- Smoke-coloured Pewee,
Contopus fumigatus
One seen near Aguas Calientes.
- Tropical Kingbird,
Tyrannus melancholicus
Fairly common near Aguas Calientes.
- Golden-crowned Flycatcher,
Myiodynastes chrysocephalus
One near Aguas Calientes.
- Rufous-breasted Chat-tyrant,
Ochthoeca rufipectoralis
One on the first day of the Inca Trail.
- White -browed Chat-tyrant,
Ochthoeca leucophrys
One at Cruz el Condor. One at Huacarpay Lake.
- Andean Negrito,
Lessonia oreas
Fairly common in wetlands in the highlands, including Huacarpay Lake.
- Many-coloured Rush-tyrant,
Tachuris rubrigastra
Several of these little crackers showed well around Huacarpay Lake. Once we knew where to look for them, i.e scooting around low down in the reeds and on the exposed mud, they seemed to be fairly common.
- Cinerous Ground-tyrant,
Muscisaxicola cinerea
One at Cruz el Condor.
- White-fronted Ground-tyrant,
Muscisaxicola albifrons
A bird presumed to be this species seen on the way to the Colca Canyon.
- White-winged Black-tyrant,
Knipolegus aterimus
One at Huacarpay Lake. A female at Machu Picchu.
- Barred Becard,
Pachyramphus versicolor
Common around Aguas Calientes.
- White-winged Becard,
Pachyramphus polchopterus
One at Aguas Calientes on day 4 of the Inca Trail.
- Brown-capped Vireo,
Vireo leucophrys
Small numbers around Aguas Calientes.
- Red-eyed Vireo,
Vireo olivaceus
Common around Aguas Calientes.
- White-capped Dipper,
Cinclus leucocephalus
One showed well on rocks in the river downstream of Aguas Calientes.
- Great Thrush,
Turdus fuscater
Common along the Inca Trail.
- Chiguanco Thrush,
Turdus chiguanco
Common in the highlands, eg. around Yangke. Common around Huacarpay Lake and along the Inca Trail.
- Long-tailed Mockingbird,
Mimus longicaudatus
Two seen from the bus just south of Lima.
- Inca Wren,
Thryothorus eisenmanni
One showed well in bamboo alongside the trail near Inti Punku. Others heard elsewhere in the area.
- Fulvous Wren,
Cinnycerthia fulva
Two seen near Inti Punku on day 4 of the Inca Trail.
- Grey-breasted Wood-wren,
Henicorhina leucophrys
Three responded very well to "pishing" on day 4 of the Inca Trail. Common around Aguas Calientes.
- Southern House Wren,
Troglodytes aedon
Lots around Huacarpay Lake and on the Inca Trail.
- Blue-and-White Swallow,
Pygochelidon cyanoleuca
Common around Pisco. Breeding in good numbers in the Inca ruins of Machu Picchu.
- Andean Swallow,
Stelgidopteryx andecola
A couple around Cruz el Condor, Colca Canyon.
- Peruvian Martin,
Progne murphyi
At least one around Arequipa with Blue and White Swallows.
- Barn Swallow,
Hirundo rustica
One seen from the bus just south of Lima. Two at Huacarpay Lake.
- Brown-bellied Swallow,
Notiochelidon murina
Ten or so at Huacarpay Lake.
- Wren-like Rushbird,
Phleocryptes melanops
Very common, though hard to see at Huacarpay Lake. Excellent monotonous call "click click click click click phrrt"
- Tropical Parula,
Parula pitiayumi
Very common around Aguas Calientes.
- Slate-throated Whitestart,
Myioborus miniatus
Common at Aguas Calientes.
- Spectacled Whitestart,
Myioborus melanocephalus
Common around Machu Picchu.
- Citrine Warbler,
Basileuterus luteoviridis
This noisy bird was common above Machu Picchu.
- Russet-crowned Warbler,
Basileuterus coronatus
Several around Aguas Calientes.
- Cinerous Conebill,
Conirostrum cinereum
c20 in small flocks in scrub around Huacarpay Lake. Fairly common in the lower sections of the Inca Trail.
- White-browed Conebill,
Conirostrum ferrugineiventre
Fairly common along the Inca Trail.
- Blue-backed Conebill,
Conirostrum sitticolor
One seen on the Inca Trail on day 3, with two next day.
- Capped Conebill,
Conirostrum albifrons
One near Aguas Calientes.
- Common Bush Tanager,
Chlorospingus opthalmicus
Common near Aguas Calientes.
- Rust-and-Yellow Tanager,
Thylopsis ruficeps
Two near the first camp along the Inca Trail.
- Slaty Tanager,
Creurgops dentata
One male near Aguas Calientes.
- Blue-necked Tanager,
Tangara cyanicollis
One seen in cloud forest above Machu Picchu, on day 4 of the Inca Trail.
- Rufous-crested Tanager,
Creurgops verticalis
One at Machu Picchu.
- Blue-grey Tanager,
Thraupis episcopus
Three individuals of the apparently booming feral population of Lima seen. Common around Aguas Calientes.
- Blue-and-Yellow Tanager,
Thraupis bonariensis
One seen near Machu Picchu.
- Hooded Mountain-tanager,
Buthraupis montana
Four seen in cloud forest above Machu Picchu, on day 4 of the Inca Trail.
- Scarlet-bellied Mountain-tanager,
Anisognathus igniventris
One with the following species on day 3 of the Inca Trail.
- Chestnut-bellied Mountain-tanager,
Delothraupis castaneoventris
One on day 3 of the Inca Trail.
- Saffron-crowned Tanager,
Tangara xanthocephala
Seen near Aguas Calientes.
- Silver-backed Tanager,
Tangara viridicollis
A couple seen at Aguas Calientes.
- Tit -like Dacnis,
Xenodacnis parina
Two on day 3 of the Inca Trail.
- Hooded Siskin,
Carduelis magellanica
Four seen near Yangke. Lots around Huacarpay Lake.
- Black Siskin,
Carduelis atrata
One on a wire near Juliaca.
- Peruvian Sierra-finch,
Phrygilus punensis
One at Sillustani around the car park.
- Mourning Sierra-finch,
Phrygilus fruticeti
Several around Cruz el Condor, Colca Canyon.

- Plumbeous Sierra-finch,
Phrygilus unicolor
Common along the Inca Trail.

- Ash-breasted Sierra-finch,
Phrygilus plebejus
Three seen on altiplano on the way to the Colca Canyon.

- Band-tailed Sierra-finch,
Phrygilus alaudinus
Several around Cruz el Condor, Colca Canyon.
- Rufous-collared Sparrow,
Zonotrichia capensis
One of the most attractive, common and ubiquitous bird of Peru, seen in all habitats.
- Rufous-backed Inca Finch,
Incaspiza personata
One seen well at Yangke.
- Chestnut-breasted Mountain-finch,
Poospiza caesar
Common around the first camp of the Inca Trail.
- Bright-rumped Yellow-finch,
Sicalis uropygialis
One individual seen at Huacarpay Lake.
- Raimondi's Yellow-finch,
Sicalis raimondii
Two birds fitting the description of this species seen around Sillustani.
- Greenish Yellow-finch,
Sicalis olivascensLots around Wayllabamba at the start of the Inca Trail.
- Grassland Yellow-finch,
Sicalis luteola
Common around the Pisco marshes.
- Yellow-bellied Seedeater,
Sporophila nigricollis
Common near Aguas Calientes.
- Band-tailed Seedeater,
Catamenia analis
Lots around Huacarpay Lake and on the Inca Trail.
- Plain-coloured Seedeater,
Catamenia inornata
Several seen on day 3 of the Inca Trail.
- Tricoloured Brush-finch,
Atlapetes tricolor
Several seen on day 4 of the Inca Trail above Machu Picchu.
- Chestnut-capped Brush-finch,
Buarremon brunneinucha
Two near Machu Picchu.
- Cuzco Brush-finch,
Atlapetes canigenis
One seen near Inti Punku.
- Moustached Flowerpiercer,
Diglossa mystacalis albilinea
Fairly common along the Inca Trail.

- Masked Flowerpiercer,
Diglossopis cyanea
One on day 3 of the Inca Trail.
- Black-throated Flowerpiercer,
Diglossa brunneiventris
Several seen on day 3 of the Inca Trail.
- Golden-billed Saltator,
Saltator aurantiirostris
Three of these stonkers were seen near the first camp on the Inca Trail.
- Dusky-green Oropendela,
Psarocolius atrovirens
Common along the river at Aguas Calientes.
- Mountain Cacique,
Cacicus chrysonotus
Two above Machu Picchu.
- Scrub Blackbird,
Dives warszewiczi
Very common in scrub around Tambo Colorado.
- Shiny Cowbird,
Molothrus bonariensis
One seen from the bus between Lima and Pisco.
- Yellow-winged Blackbird,
Agelaius thilus
Very common in reedswamp around Lake Titicaca and Huacarpay Lake.
- House Sparrow, Passer domesticus
Common around Pisco.