Spotted Deer, Cervus axis Common at Corbett and Ranthambor.
Sambar Deer, C. unicolor Common at Corbett and Ranthambor.
Hog Deer, C. porcinus A couple of individuals at Corbett.
Barking Deer/Muntjac, Muntiacus muntjac Common at Corbett.
Nilgai, Boselaphus tragocamelus Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP and Ranthambor. The photo below is of a "Blue Bull", or male Nilgai, taken at Ranthambor.
Chinkara/Indian Gazelle, Gazella bennettii Small numbers at Ranthambor.
Wild Boar, Sus scrofa Common at Corbett NP and Ranthambor.
Indian Grey Mongoose, Herpestes edwardsii Family parties seen at McLeod Ganj amd Corbett and one at Ranthambor.
Small Indian Mongoose One by the road, Bharatpur - Bund Baretha, 27th Nov.
Gangetic Dolphin/Susu, Platanista gangetica Up to three individuals from the Ganges crossing at Gajraula, 009/11/00.
Rhesus Macaque, Macaca mulatta Very common, usually in close contact with people, even in the slums of Delhi. Below right, a mother holds her infant in the morning sun, at Dhikala, Corbett NP.
Hanuman Langur, Presbytis entellus Very common, often well away from human habitation. The photo above left was taken at Nainital.
Sloth Bear, Melursus ursinus Two singles seen in Ranthambor, one of which appears in the photo below.
Golden/Indian Jackal, Canis aureus Common in Ranthambor. One at Ranthambor, common in Corbett.
Tiger, Panthera tigris Two seen together crossing the road then padding through the forest in Ranthambor, 30/11/00. The photo below was of the cub.
Black-naped Hare, Lepus nigricollis One flushed at Keoladeo Ghana NP, 28/11/00.
Northern Palm Squirrel, Funambulus pennantii Very common.
Indian Palm Squirrel, F. palmarum Common on Sri Lanka.
Asian Elephant, Elephas maximus One herd seen both days at Corbett, containing approximately 15 individuals (See photo at top of page). One lone "tusker" seen on an island in a tributary of the Kosi River near the Corbett park boundary, 16/11/00.
Eurasian Otter, Lutra lutra Family party seen from the watchtower at Corbett NP, 16/11/00.
Indian Fruit Bat 150+ roosting in grounds of government rest house at Bund Baretha, 27th Nov.
all material on this website is copyright Jono Leadley 2004