Black Francolin, Francolinus francolinus
Single male in a Chaur near Dhikala in Corbett NP, 16/11/00 br>
Grey Francolin, F. pondicerianus Party of six on a dry area of the Kosi River-bed, Ramnagar, 14/11/00 Fairly common at most dry lowland sites. Also seen at Taj Mahal, 24/11/00, Keoladeo Ghana NP, Ranthambore, between Jaipur & Sambah Lake
Barred Buttonquail, Turnix suscitator Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP especially along the verges of the main, central path. See photo below.
Painted Spurfowl, Galloperdix lunulata 2 at Ranthambore, 30/11/00.
Red Junglefowl, Gallus gallus Very common at Corbett NP.
Kalij Pheasant, Lophura leucomelanos 3 at Corbett NP, 16/11/00 and 9 (including 3 males) at McLeod Ganj, 19/11/00.
Indian Peafowl, Pavo cristatus Commonly seen bird in rural areas- presumably feral.
Greylag Goose, Anser anser Abundant at Keoladeo Ghana NP. Also at Bund Baretha.
Bar-headed Goose, A. indicus Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP in mixed flocks with Greylag Goose.
Ruddy Shelduck, Tadorna ferruginea 8 at Ramnagar on the Kosi River, 10/11/00. Also at Ranthambore.
Shelduck, Tadorna tadorna At least 1at Sambhar Salt Lake.
Lesser Whistling-duck, Dendrocygna javanica Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Comb Duck, Sarkidiornis melanotos Present in small numbers at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Cotton Pygmy-goose, Nettapus coromandelianus Present in small numbers at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Gadwall, Anas strepera Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP. One lost-looking female seen on lake at Naini Tal, 14/11/00.
Eurasian Wigeon, A. penelope Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Mallard, A. platyrhynchos Very common at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Spot-billed Duck, A. poecilorhyncha Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Common Teal, A. crecca Very common at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Garganey, A. querquedula Small numbers among Teal at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Northern Pintail, A. acuta Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Northern Shoveler, A. clypeata One at Kosi River dam, 14/11/00. Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Red-crested Pochard, Rhodonessa rufina Small numbers at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Common Pochard, Aythya ferina Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Ferruginous Duck, A. nyroca Present in small numbers at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Tufted Duck, A. fuligula Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Brown-capped Pygmy Woodpecker, Dendrocopos nanus One seen near between Naini Tal and Ramnagar, 10/11/00. Two at Dhikala, Corbett NP, 16/11/00.
Brown-fronted Woodpecker, D. auriceps One in Arvinda Gorge, Naini Tal, 11/11/00. Two at McLeod Ganj on 21/11/00.
Yellow-crowned Woodpecker, D. mahrattensis Three at Keoladeo Ghana NP on 25/11/00.
Rufous-bellied Woodpecker, D. hyperythrus Three approximately 2km west of Naini Peak, Naini Tal, 12/11/00.
Himalayan Woodpecker, D. himalayensis Common in forest around Naini Tal. See photo below.
Streak-throated Woodpecker, Picus xanthopygaeus Common at Corbett NP.
Scaly-bellied Woodpecker, P. squamatus Two at Naini Tal, 11/11/00. One at McLeod Ganj, 21/11/00.
Grey-headed Woodpecker, P. canus Common at McLeod Ganj.
Himalayan Flameback, Dinopium shorii Two seen at Corbett NP, 07/11/00.
Black-rumped Flameback, D. benghalense Common at Agra and Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Great Barbet, Megalaima virens Common around McLeod Ganj, with up to 6 feeding in a fruiting tree viewable from the Kailash Restaurant window, 18/11/00.
Brown-headed Barbet, M. zeylanica Common in Rajasthan at Agra and Keoladeo Ghana NP for example.
Blue-throated Barbet, M. asiatica One seen at McLeod Ganj 18-19/11/00.
Coppersmith Barbet, M.haemacephala Common at Agra and Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Indian Grey Hornbill, Ocyeros birostris One at Keoladeo Ghana NP, 24-25/11/00. See photo below.
Common Hoopoe, Upupa epops Very common at all lowland sites.
Indian Roller, Coracias benghalensis Very common in cultivated areas.
Common Kingfisher, Alcedo atthis Common at Ramnagar and Keoladeo Ghana NP.
White-breasted Kingfisher, Halcyon smyrnensis 3 on the beach by the hotel, Colombo. Common in Keoladeo Ghana NP and in most open areas.
Crested Kingfisher, Megaceryle lugubris Two watched at close range fishing from the Kosi River Dam, 14/11/00.
Pied Kingfisher, Ceryle rudis Common at Ramnagar, Corbett NP and Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Blue-bearded Bee-eater, Nyctyornis athertoni Three seen at Corbett NP, 16/11/00.
Green Bee-eater, Merops orientalis Common at all lowland sites.
Blue-tailed Bee-eater, M. philippinus Several around beach near hotel at Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Common Hawk Cuckoo, Hierococcyx varius One seen next to road near Bund Baretha, 27/11/00.
Asian Koel, Eudynamys scolopacea Common around hotel grounds, Colombo, Sri Lanka.One at near the Taj Mahal, Agra, on 24/11/00.
Greater Coucal, Centropus sinensis Common in scrub around hotel, Colombo, Sri lanka and common in India.
Alexandrine Parakeet, Psittacula eupatria 3, Mcleod Ganj,20/11/00. Small numbers seen near Sawai Madhopur. 2+ from the taxi on the way to Delhi airport on the last day.
Rose-ringed Parakeet, P. krameri Abundant.
Plum-headed Parakeet, P. cyanocephala Common at Naini Tal, Corbett NP and Ranthambor.
White-rumped Needletail, Zoonavena sylvatica Large flock over the Kosi River, Ramnagar, 10//11/00. Common in Corbett NP.
Asian Palm Swift, Cypsirus balasiensis Many seen from road between Bharatpur and Bund Baretha, 27/11/00.
House Swift, Apus affinis Common.
Crested Treeswift, Hemiprocne coronata Common at Ramnagar and Corbett NP often in mixed flocks of other swift species.
Collared Scops Owl, O. bakkamoena Pairs seen at roost-site stake-outs, at Keoladeo Ghana NP and Ranthambor.
Dusky Eagle Owl, Bubo coromandus Single seen at roost-site at Keoladeo Ghana NP, 29/11/00.
Brown Fish Owl, Ketupa zeylonensis Single seen and photographed in a riverside tree in Corbett NP, 16/11/00.
Asian Barred Owlet, Glaucidium cuculoides Common at Naini Tal around the town. One seen finishing off a discarded Eurasian Sparrowhawk kill, which had been left on a tree-branch. Fairly common, Mcleod Ganj.
Spotted Owlet, Athene brama Common at Agra and Keoladeo Ghana NP. Also on journeys to Bund Baretha, Sambah Lake.
Oriental Turtle Dove, Streptopelia orientalis Pair seen on Snow-View Ridge, 12/11/00.
Collared Dove, S. decaoto Fairly common in lowlands. Eg Ramnagar, Delhi
Laughing Dove, S. senegalensis Common in lowlands.
Spotted Dove, S. chinensis Common.
Yellow-footed Green Pigeon, Treron phoenicoptera Flock of 25 seen at Keoladeo Ghana NP, in trees adjacent to the nursery, 28/11/00.
Siberian Crane, Grus leucogeranus Pair seen at Keoladeo Ghana NP, 25-28/11/00. See photos below.
Sarus Crane, G. antigone Present at Keoladeo Ghana NP, with maximum 34 on 26/11/00. See photo above right.
Common Crane, G. grus Flock of 8 at Keoladeo Ghana NP on 26/11/00 and 8 at Bund Baretha the next day, which were possibly the same birds.
Brown Crake, Amaurornis akool Two at Bund Baretha and a further three on the road on the way back to Bharatpur, 27/11/00. 2 on the road in Ranthambore, 30/11/00.
White-breasted Waterhen, A. phoenicurus Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP, Bund Baretha and Ranthambore.
Purple Swamphen/Gallinule, Porphyrio porphyrio Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Common Moorhen, Gallinula chloropus Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP and Ranthambor.
Common Coot, Fulica atra Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP and 500 + at Bund Baretha.
Common Snipe, Gallinago gallinago Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Black-tailed Godwit, Limosa limosa 500+ at Bund Baretha, 27/11/00. One at Sambhar Salt Lake, 02/12/00.
Spotted Redshank, Tringa erythropus Small numbers at Keoladeo Ghana NP. Two at Sambhar Salt Lake, 02/12/00.
Common Redshank, T. totanus Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP and Sambar Salt Lake.
Marsh Sandpiper, T. stagnatilis Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP and Bund Baretha and Sambar Salt Lake.
Common Greenshank, T. nebularia Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP and Bund Baretha.
Green Sandpiper, T. ochropus Common at Ramnagar, Keoladeo Ghana NP and Bund Baretha.
Wood Sandpiper, T. glareola Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP and Bund Baretha. Ten at Sambhar Salt Lake, 02/12/00.
Common Sandpiper, Actitis hypoleucos Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP and Bund Baretha.
Little Stint, Calidris minuta One at Bund Baretha, 27/11/00 and one at Sambhar Salt Lake, 02/12/00.
Temminck's Stint, C. temmincki Small numbers at Keoladeo Ghana NP and Bund Baretha. Two at Sambhar Salt Lake, 02/12/00.
Dunlin, C. alpina Two at Bund Baretha, 27/11/00. Present in small numbers at Sambhar Salt Lake.
Ruff, Philomachus pugnax 450+ at Bund Baretha, 27/11/00. 12 at Sambhar Salt Lake, 02/12/00.
Greater Painted-snipe, Rostratula benghalensis One seen at Bund Baretha, on the edge of the river, viewable from the road bridge just to the south of the dam, 27/11/00
Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus Very common, often in roadside pools and wallows, even in towns.
Pied Avocet, Recurvirostra avosetta Five at Sambhar Salt Lake, 02/12/00.
Pheasant-tailed Jacana, Hydrophasianus chirurgus Fairly common at Keoladeo Ghana NP and 5 at Bund Baretha. All birds seen were in winter plumage and hence had no "pheasant-tail"!
Bronze-winged Jacana, Metopidius indicus Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Great Thick-knee, Esacus recurvirostris Six at Ramnagar, on the Kosi River, 10/11/00, and seven at Bund Baretha, 27/11/00.
Grey Plover, Pluvialis squatarola Three at Sambhar Salt Lake on 02/12/00.
Little Ringed Plover, Charadrius dubius Three at Ramnagar, 10/11/00.
Kentish plover, C. alexandrinus Three at Bund Baretha, 27/11/00. Also at Sambhar Salt Lake.
River Lapwing, Vanellus duvaucelli Present at Ramnagar, around the Kosi River. Maximum 20, 10/11/00.
Red-wattled Lapwing, V. indicus Very common.
White-tailed Lapwing, V. leucurus Fairly common at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Brown-headed Gull, Larus brunnicephalus One seen at the Ganges River Crossing at Gajraula, 09/11/00.
Black-headed Gull, L. ridibundus Small numbers seen at Gajraula, 09/11/00 and Sambhar Salt Lake, 02/12/00.
Gull-billed Tern, Gelochelidon nilotica Ten at Bund Baretha, 27/11/00.
Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybridus Three at a lake in Jaipur, 03/12/00.
River Tern, Sterna aurantia Common at Gajraula, 09/11/00 and present in small numbers at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Indian Skimmer, Rhynchops albicollis Nine from the dam at Bund Baretha, 27/11/00, roosting on an island.
Osprey, Pandion haliaetus One over Dhikala, Corbett NP, 16/11/00.
Black-shouldered Kite, Elanus caeruleus Common at Corbett NP and in most open areas.
Black Kite, Milvus migrans Very common, especially around habitation, with the centre of Delhi being a particular stonghold.
Brahminy Kite, Haliastur indus Common around the beach at Colombo, Sri Lanka and Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Pallas's Fish Eagle, Haliaeetus leucoryphus Several seen at Corbett NP.
Grey-headed Fish Eagle, Ichthyophaga icthyaetus One at Corbett NP, 16/11/00.
Lammergeier, Gypaetus barbatus Up to two seen at McLeod Ganj most days.
Egyptian Vulture, Neophron percnopterus Common. Largest count 28, McLeod Ganj, 22/11/00
White-rumped Vulture, Gyps bengalensis Common, largest count being 24 at Ramnagar, 10/11/00.
(Northern) Long-billed Vulture, G.( indicus) tenirostris Two at Ramnagar, 14/11/00. Common at Ranthambor, apparently breeding on the cliffs along the entrance road.
Himalayan Griffon, G. himalayensis Common at Naini Tal and McLeod Ganj, the highest counts respectively being 22 on 11/11/00 and 27 on 21/11/00. Superb close views are to be had from Snow View Ridge at Naini Tal, particularly mid-morning as they take to the wing for the first time.
Eurasian Griffon, G. fulvus One at McLeod Ganj, 21/11/00.
Black Vulture, Aegypius monachus At least two, possibly four seen most days at McLeod Ganj.
Red-headed Vulture, Sarcogyps calvus One at Corbett NP, 15/11/00.
Short-toed Eagle, Circaetus gallicus One at Keoladeo Ghana NP, 25/11/00.
Crested Serpent Eagle, Spilornis cheela Present in small numbers at Keoladeo Ghana NP. One seen at Bund Baretha, 27/11/00.
Eurasian Marsh Harrier, Circus aeruginosus Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP. Hunting birds frequently robbed by Aquila eagles which tend to sit around waiting for a harrier or stork to make a kill! One at Bund Baretha, 27/11/00. One at Taj Mahal.
Pallid Harrier, C. macrourus One at Keoladeo Ghana NP on 25/11/00.
Shikra, Accipter badius Frequently seen at Keoladeo Ghana NP. Also at Bund Baretha.
Eurasian Sparrowhawk, A. nisus One seen eating a bird at Naini Tal on 11/11/00.
Oriental Honey-buzzard, Pernis ptilorhyncus Fairly common at Keoladeo Ghana NP. Also at Bund Baretha.
Lesser Spotted Eagle, Aquila pomarina Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Greater Spotted Eagle, A. clanga Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Golden Eagle, A. chrysaetos One immature seen at McLeod Ganj, 19/11/00.
Tawny Eagle, A. rapax One at Keoladeo Ghana NP on 28/11/00.
Steppe Eagle, A. nipalensis Common at Ramnagar, Naini Tal, McLeod Ganj and Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Imperial Eagle, A. heliaca Present at Keoladeo Ghana NP, maximum 2 adults and 1 immature on 24 and 28/11/00.
Bonelli's Eagle, Hieraaetus fasciatus One at Ramnagar, 10/11/00.
Collared Falconet, Microhierax caerulescens Three at Corbett NP (2 adults, one immature-family party?), 15/11/00. Initially watched hawking dragonflies from a dead tree within the Dhikala compound, then later presumably the same group seen from Elephant back, again feeding from the branches of a dead tree. Very approachable raptors, especially when on elephant-back. See photo below.
Common Kestrel, Falco tinnunculus One at Corbett NP, 16/11/00. Also one at Mcleod Ganj, 18/11/00.
Peregrine, F. peregrinus perigrinator Regularly seen hunting at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Little Grebe, Tachybaptus ruficollis One at Keoladeo Ghana NP on 28/11/00. Also on Kosi River, Ramnagar.
Oriental Darter, Anhinga melanogaster Fairly common at Keoladeo Ghana NP. See photo below.
Little Cormorant, Phalacrocorax niger Common at Colombo and Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Indian Cormorant, P. Fuscicollis Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Great Cormorant, P. carbo Common at Ramnagar and Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Little Egret, Egretta garzetta Very common.
Great White Egret, Casmerodius albus Common.
Intermediate Egret, Mesophoyx intermedia Only identified at Keoladeo Ghana NP, but presumably overlooked when flocks of egrets seen from transport.
Cattle Egret, Bubulcus ibis Very common.
Indian Pond Heron, Ardeola grayii Very common.
Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea Common.
Purple Heron, A. purpurea Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Little/Striated Heron, Butorides striatus One seen at Colombo, 7/11/00.
Black-crowned Night Heron, Nycticorax nycticorax Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Yellow Bittern, Ixobrychus sinensis Prolonged views of one at Keoladeo Ghana NP on 28/11/00.
Black Bittern, Dupetor flavicollis Flight views of one at Colombo, and up to 3 at Keoladeo Ghana NP most days. See photo below.
Greater Flamingo, Phoenicopterus ruber 55, Sambhar Salt Lake, 2/12/00. The huge numbers of flamingos usually associated with Sambhar have presumably moved on due to the drought in Rajasthan which has caused the lake to mostly dry up. All flamingos and most of the waders and ducks were inhabiting the effluent lagoon and outflow from the city.
Lesser Flamingo, P. minor 24, Sambhar Salt Lake, 2/12/00.
Glossy Ibis, Plegadis falcinellus Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Black-headed Ibis, Threskiornis melenocephalus Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP.
Black Ibis, Pseudibis papillosa One in a field near Bharatpur, 24/11/00.
Eurasian Spoonbill, Platalea leucorodia Common at Keoladeo Ghana NP. One over Ranthambore, 30/11/00.
Great White Pelican, Pelecanus onocrotalus 10 at Keoladeo Ghana NP, 26/11/00, and over 50 there on 28/11/00, though views unfortunately distant, so identification of all individuals not totally confident.
Painted Stork, Mycteria leucocephala Three over Yamuna River, Delhi, 9/11/00. Seen occasionally at Keoladeo Ghana NP, with a flock of 50+ over on 25/11/00. Single soaring over Connaught Square, central Delhi, 4/12/00. Also at Ranthambore
Asian Openbill, Anastomus oscitans One at Keoladeo Ghana NP, 24/11/00. 3 at Bund Baretha, 27/11/00.
Woolly-necked Stork, Ciconia episcopus Fairly common at Keoladeo Ghana NP. 2 at Ranthambore
Black-necked Stork, Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus Small numbers at Keoladeo Ghana NP, maximum 6 on 26/11/00. See photo below.
Black-necked Stork, dwarfing Grey Herons, Great White and Intermediate Egrets and a Black-headed Ibis.